Wednesday, March 13, 2013

last minute collection.

So at the end of last week I was all excited at work because we were able to move two families into apartments, and we were getting ready to move two more into houses this week. Translation=FOUR families out of homeless shelters into stable, safe and affordable housing.

I'm still not sure how to express how this job makes me feel. But watching a family start in your cube, telling their story about how they lost everything (and the various parts of life that played a role in that) to helping them find a place to call their own's amazing.

I had been so focused on getting these people in that a minor detail didn't hit me until almost closing time on Friday--two of the families had almost nothing to actually move into their new home. So I sent out a frantic text to a handful of my favorite mom, my dad and my best friend Kim, hoping on a whim that they might have extra stuff laying around to donate to the families. 

<--By go time on Monday, this is what my car looked like.

Full to the brim with kitchen items, towels, blankets, sheets, household items...all to go to two families in need. Needless to say the families were so very thankful for our donations and couldn't believe the amount of stuff I showed up with.

Now I'm not telling you about this just to show you how awesome my friends and family are (but you are awesome and thank you one hundred times to Mom, Dad, Kim and her mom Jody). 

I'm telling you this to again show the HUGE impact just a few people can have. How much a small idea can change the lives of others. 

It's not like we gave them fine china and silk sheets, but for them to have dishes for their family to eat on their first night in their new home meant the world to them. 

If you would like to help families like these and didn't get to participate in the flash-mob like collection, you can still help! Click HERE to make a donation to Housing Resources, Inc. OR let me know if you would like to walk with us next weekend! 

Be the change. Make the difference.

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