Thursday, July 21, 2011

my first birthday presents

My Aunt Barb and Uncle Richard surprised me at work last weekend! Their surprise visit was exciting enough for me, but on top of that, they dropped off my first birthday presents!

The bag on the left is from Aunt Barb and Uncle Richard, and the orange bag is from their friends, Jack and Lynne. These four have been amazingly supportive every month and have made several generous donations as well. They are out to save the world with me :)

So, in the gift from Jack and Lynne, I got twenty four fruit cups!

Then, in the bag from my aunt and uncle, I got twenty cheese and crackers packages, twenty four apple sauces, twenty four fruit snack packets, and thirty two jello or pudding cups!

Since these two made such great donations once again, they have won the Whitecaps tickets for being awesome AND the first ones to donate :) Thank you again Barb&Richard and Jack&Lynne for all of your support.

Even though the tickets are gone, there is still time to donate! I will be collecting wish list items found here throughout the month instead of asking for birthday presents. Or you can go to the Kids' Food Basket website by clicking here and make a financial donation. 

Be the change. Make the difference.

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