First, I was offered a new job in Kalamazoo that I am really excited about. I will be working for a non-profit where the goal is to end homelessness. I will be assisting people in either getting funding, or temporary housing if they are in the process of being evicted or foreclosed on. This is pretty darn close to my dream job, and I couldn't be more happy about this opportunity.
And THEN, we had a major fire at work, which took almost a whole building from us. Thank God no one was hurt (pets were out safe too), but there is a lot of damage and we've been busy finding new homes for people effected.
Aside from that, I also found a new apartment since I am relocating, welcomed a BEAUTIFUL new baby niece into the world, Aubree Kay, and celebrated my Grandma Lois's 90th birthday.
Like I said, it's only been a few days but just typing all of that seems like an eternity!
There are some big changes coming up in my life, and I'm not sure yet what they mean for the blog. Starting Be The Change two years ago, it was one idea. And that idea sort of morphed as time went on, in a very good way. I'm excited to see what working at a new job will do to us here :) In the meantime, if you are interested in donating items to those effected by the fire, contact me and I can see what is needed most.
I promise once I get settled in my new apartment and job, I will be more consistent in my postings again. Until then, you will have to bare with me as my life is in boxes and it takes all my energy to NOT just sit here and daydream about August :)
Be the change. Make the difference.
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