Tuesday, February 5, 2013

getting keys.

I know I'm still learning at my new job, but one thing is already very clear to me. This job comes with a lot of emotion. 

Sometimes I'm so anxious about getting all the paperwork done to move someone into a home, I can actually feel my blood pressure rising.

Sometimes I literally have to force myself not to look at the child standing next to me so they don't haunt my thoughts for days. 

Sometimes I'm so frustrated with a client or landlord not holding up their end of the deal, I could scream. 

Sometimes when the setbacks just keep happening to the sweetest client, my heart just hurts.

But every once and a while, I see first hand the good that we are doing. Like today when a client was so overwhelmed that his struggle was finally over. That he could pick up his two little boys from school and take them home, not to the homeless shelter. That he didn't have to sleep on a cold hard floor, and that him and his family would have space of their own. 

And standing there watching him realize all of that, I cried.

No matter how many heartbreaking stories I hear, I'm learning to force myself to focus on the good. Emphasis on the "I'm learning" part, because that part can be really hard. 

If you would like to help our clients out, make a donation HERE, or sign up to WALK HOME with me on March 23rd. Your support and contributions go directly to HRI and helping end homelessness in Kalamazoo County.

Be the change. Make the difference. 

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