Monday, May 13, 2013

a long few days.

It's been a rough few weeks, and I feel like I should explain my absence on here. A million different things have contributed...

Work got super busy all of the sudden, and the stories and the tears and the need have been overwhelming. Wedding things all the sudden got busy and I had a million things I wanted to get done all at once. And I lost a good friend to Cystic Fibrosis, and to be honest haven't felt like doing anything at all.

Brad was my age and newly married and an amazing guy and a great friend who could make anyone laugh and loved everyone. Losing him has been hard on a lot of us Camp people, especially my friend Ashleigh. So if you pray, pray for her, and pray for Brad's wife.

And consider this my warning...when I have time/energy to write again, I will be 100% supporting becoming an organ donor and the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation. But for now, I am just tired. I'll be back soon, I swear.

Be the change. Make the difference.

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