Wednesday, May 29, 2013


Brad was the funny guy. Everyone loved him, he could make friends with anyone and could make you laugh no matter what. He could play any Dashboard song on a guitar and could quote any Jim Carey movie. He was always there for you, no matter how long it had been since you spoke to him. He was sick as long as I knew him, and if you didn't know, you would have never known.

Brad was born with Cystic Fibrosis and never complained about it once to any of us. Instead he spent his time living life to the fullest and making jokes about the color of the stuff he would cough up. We knew in the end, it would take his life. We just didn't think it would be so soon.

In 2013 he got married, turned twenty six, and lost his battle with CF.

I've been trying to figure out since I got the news why. Why this had to happen to such an amazing person. Why weren't the new lungs he had waited for, for so long not given to him. Why now, so young. Why God couldn't have given all of us more time with him.

I might never know the answer to any of those questions, and I know I'll struggle with them for a long time. I have to trust in God's plan and in His timing. Among many things Brad taught me, the biggest is to live life every day to the fullest because you never know when you will run out of time. I believe everyone is brought into your life for a reason, and along with a thousand other reasons, Brad was in my life to teach me about CF so that I can teach you.

These next few will be for him.

Be the change. Make the difference.

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