why this. why now. my 10K plans.
I've been thinking about running a 10K for a while, but every time I thought of it I would shamefully chicken out. I started running in 2011 when my good friend Jess convinced me to start running with her after work. It was a painful few months while my body adjusted to a running workout, but eventually I was running farther and farther.
My friend Jess is very convincing and rarely takes no for an answer, so when she asked if I would run the River Bank Run in Grand Rapids with her, I didn't think she would take no for an answer. So, we signed up and I raised money for Safe Haven Ministries/Running for Jenny. It was great and we raised $1,200 and since then I had been happily running a "comfortable" amount.
I don't know if I began feeling like I wanted to challenge myself more, or began itching for a new big CHANGE movement. Probably both. But all of the sudden it got in my head that I should do a 10K now, because if I didn't now, I never would.
Don't get excited, this is not an announcement of any sort. But soon-ish I may or may not be carrying children, going through childbirth, and whatever the hell happens to your body in the aftermath. It may be a while before I can run this long and be in this good of shape again.
So, I decided now would be the best time, and THIS would be the perfect 10K to do and raise money for Girls On The Run of Kalamazoo. I chose the Borgess Run for the Health Of it 10K because it is here in Kzoo, you can choose a charity to raise money for, my awesome new company would cover my registration fee AND my husband's band gets to play during the race. Lots of good reasons!
In the next two months, I will be telling you more about WHY I chose Girls On The Run and what it means to me. For now I need your love and support as I power through training and brace myself for this. The race is on May 8th, in Kalamazoo, so save the date and come cheer me on while listening to some hot 90s jams by Royal Blue! Stay tuned!
Be the change. Make the difference.
Lots lots of love and support from your Mom. HeeHaaaa on the 'children soon-ish' from GG!!!!!