Wednesday, May 18, 2016


So if you run a race, there are professional photographers hiding throughout the course to try and take terrible photos of you. At my 10K run, there were about a million of them. The pictures are scary. I look REALLY pissed. And my legs look weird. And my hair is everywhere. And I'm all sweaty and red. And I look pissed! 

At first I wasn't going to share any with you because of all those insecurity reasons above. Then I realized what a hypocrite that would make me. It would be doing the exact opposite of what I have been preaching all this time about
 Girls on the Run! About loving yourself and your body, and how Jack Calves mean your legs are strong and you CAN run 10Ks, and how to be comfortable in your body and healthy. is one. 

FINE. Here is two.

#gameface #jackcalves #teameenhoorn #isweariloverunning #GOTRsocks #redface #sortofjackthighstoo

If you cannot tell, the one on the left is a little earlier on in the race...the one on the right is the home stretch (the 5K walkers are behind me, which made me feel like I was going REALLY fast!). I am proud of these pictures and proud of myself for accomplishing this beast of a goal I set for myself! Hope you enjoy a look inside the race!

Be the change. Make the difference.

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