Friday, February 1, 2013


I've told you a little bit about the new job I recently started at HRI, and as I get more into it I am more amazed. I may or may not have mentioned to some of you that I now work in an office of eighteen women.

They will henceforth be known as the Superwomen.

They are passionate women excited about ending homelessness in our community. 

They stretch grants to help hundreds. 

They are constantly thinking of new ways to make helping others easier. 

They are always looking ahead at the direction our community will take next, and how to best adjust how we can help. 

They believe in second chances and honest people. 

They hear story after story of loss, desperation and struggle, and they offer kind words. 

They come to work every day with a smile on their face, ready to do it all over again.


And I am honored to be a part of all of it. To make a donation to support HRI, click here OR save the date for March 23rd for our annual walk to end can meet a super hero :)

A special thanks to Eric&Kara and Sandy&Mike who have already made a donation! You guys rock!

Be the change. Make the difference. 

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