Monday, May 9, 2016

I survived my 10K!

It was completely insane. Something I never thought I would be able to do. I was full of emotion right before starting the race because when I really think about it I just can't believe I can run 6.2 miles without dying. And even more emotion because my husband's band was playing on the course and chanted my name when I ran by. And because my sister and her family, and my dad were all there cheering me on. And because my mom got up even earlier than all the rest of them, on Mother's Day, to get her spot at the finish line and see me finish.

The actual race flew by. My Jack Calves were screaming for about the first mile until I got into a rhythm, and realized how fast I was going. Once I slowed down, and got into it, I felt okay. There were some hills that I hadn't really trained for, but survived. I was able to keep about an eleven minute pace, which is fast for me, and finish at one hour and eight minutes! I knew I COULD finish under an hour and a half. My goal was to make it under an hour and fifteen. As soon as I came around that home stretch and saw the clock, I sprinted mostly out of excitement, because I had beaten my goal by so much.

I was able to meet the nice people from Girls on the Run, who were very appreciative of our fundraising we did for them. They were so nice and so encouraging. The total amount raised was $170, which is enough to cover a little more than one registration fee for a Girls on the Run girl!

Not only was I able to do something I never thought I could, but I was able to help others while doing it. And I just cannot describe to you how that feels. I am very proud of myself for doing this, and making a difference while doing it. I don't say that to toot my own horn, but to tell you now...if there is ANYTHING you are thinking about doing, but you are to afraid to commit, do it. Whatever it is, you have to try, and you have to work at it. Even when it is hard and you are tired and don't think you can. You can, and you should, and it will be the best thing ever. I promise you.

Be the change. Make the difference.

1 comment:

  1. So very proud of you Jess. When you set your mind to something, you are so there! YAY!
