Sunday, March 13, 2011


The last floor level at the Holland Rescue Mission is for the LifeApplication Program. This program is anywhere between six and eighteen months, and is designed to further apply the principles learned in LifeSkills.

Here, the men continue to volunteer for work stations until education, employment or vocational track begins. They still have to check in with their Case Manager, and they have to participate actively in a local church where they meet with a mentor regularly to help keep them on track. 

They also create a personal budget for themselves, remain drug and alcohol free and attend regular Bible classes and groups to help their faith grow.

During the LifeApplication process, the men may move into apartment style rooms when they have a full time job and solid budget in place. Here, they have their own room and a common area which joins with another room.

This is the final step in the program, and after this, they are ready to go back out into the world with a new outlook on life! 

The food drive is under way for this month--we've started receiving donations at work. The bingo night is in a week and a half--so hopefully we'll get even more then!

If you'd like to donate food this month, contact me to arrange a time to meet! OR if you'd like to make a financial donation to the Holland Rescue Mission, click here to visit their website!

Be the change. Make the difference.

1 comment:

  1. What is their program success rate? How many actually make it all the way through and start anew?
